Tuesday, October 9, 2012


When do you know if you've dug into the earth enough?
Is it time to bury the chest of thoughts.
The assortment of memoirs,feelings,promises and bluff.
Should I be convinced that my heart will then be free of clots.
I tried to return my treasures to their rightful owners,
But they had long forgotten what I had soulfully guarded.
I tried to immortalize the candid whispers,
But the ephemeral  voices only faded.
Digging out the mud and burying my chest,
Seems heavier than expressed.


Sandy said...

Nice poem Vandana...

I havent read your work completely,but from whatever little i have read which is very little by the way, i think you are a gifted writer.

Please write more often.

Rambling Raman said...

Thanks Sandy !