Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Cycle of life.

He called for me.Slowly,softly meowing.My small furry friend visited me again at the same time.I got him home,bonded with him,watched some TV with him:).Educated him on how humans live,as he keenly observed his surroundings.I warmed up his milk ,as he watched on eagerly.He surprisingly didn't seem hungry.All the time,he cling ed on to me like a child holding on to the warmth of his mother.Couldn't keep him any longer,kept the bowl by the gate and let him back to the street. My mistake.
Oblivious to the outside world,I returned to mine.Back to my secluded space near the window,overlooking the street,I sat.Accustomed to the humming traffic,i didn't take special notice of it.A few minutes later,i watched the most cruel and ugly thing.The rider's roughshod handling of his vehicle,left my poor friend,writhing in pain,under his wheels.That monstrous vehicle ran over that small furry being,which i held in my hand ,no longer than 20 minutes ago.
Seeing the poor helpless kitten twist in excruciating pain,hit me.Hard!The stray kitten who gave me little joys was gone.I couldn't help thinking....why did I welcome him home,give him all the love and put him back on the street.Just when he began trusting humans....another one destroyed it.


shady said...

seriously sad.. viv explained me bout dat.....:(:(

Anonymous said...

aww. i remember that kitty. he/she was such a little sweetheart!
- D