Day 10 and 11 -
We woke up lazily at 11 am and brunched. Relaxed day saturated with Rummy. We decided to play rummy for money and PV was the only one who payed up! Loafed around Leh that night . Ordered Stok Kangari tee shirts,almost 15 of them for the following day. It was beautiful embroided tee shirt. Nothing unusual till the night. Then came “GODFATHER” . Had a party that night,with good food,and shabu and the crew entertaining us to Manali dances and folk songs. Vivek and Poba were indulging in the local brew,called GODFATHER beer. Tarle and Bairy , on a different but similar high :). We had a blast that night ! After dinner,we were playing rummy when Vivek, Bairy and Poba entertained us all night. For every PJ they cracked, we laughed like hyenas though the night. Killer fun! With blunders from the inebriated men, it was ultimate fun. The cream of the cake that night was when Vivek mistook some Iranian woman for Vidya and scared the living hell out of her. Vivek hurriedly murmured apologies and stumbled his way to the room. Hilarious! All of us had the last laugh .
All of were given a choice to either raft in Zansksar valley or go to the famous Pangong lake. Bairy,Vidya ,Poops and I chose the latter. We started at a brisk 6am as it takes six hours to reach the lake. The journey and roads were spectacular. We passed through Chang La. Finally reached Pangong Lake at noon, it was breathtaking. All of us were just stoic as stones, to be standing in front of such an exquisite lake was a blessing. It was overwhelming! As the clouds danced above the lake,it made interesting patterns and changes in colour which was magical. We walked around the 134km stretch ,which extends into China on the other side. To geographically see brackish water at 14,000ft was mind boggling and Truly mesmerizing !We had a quick lunch there, stopped at Rancho (from 3 idiots fame) school and finally reached Leh town at 5 pm. Velu and Pobu cooked us a delicious meal of Bisibele Bath and the non vegetarian s could not stop relishing the chicken biriyani ! Evidently Velu's wife would definitely be blessed ;):P .
Are you sure its an Iranian woman whom Poops scared? Israeli, isnt it? Or European. Yeah. I saw her in dark :P And was not in the state to judge her anthropological features :D
hehe :D yep!
Actually,come to think of it, I'll make it Israeli :)
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