Is it wrong or is it right??I think of this question every time I take even the smallest decision.If the decision is taken to please me,it's wrong because I'm being selfish but then i can\t help thinking ,what's wrong in taking a decision that is going to favour me?
When a poor boy finds a 100 rupee note on the street,What's wrong in pocketing it??Isn't he in more need that the careless person who dropped it?But no,instead he'll get lynched by the public because it's not the "right" thing to do.So what is the right thing to do......hand it over to the police station,for them to pocket it??
Is being a little selfish,to reward yourself sometimes wrong then?I have personally learnt the more you give,the lesser you'll get back.In this disgusting cut throat world,there is NOBODY who\ll take your side.So go ahead be a little selfish,you deserve it:)!!
1 comment:
Couldn't have agreed more with you.
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