All of us have experienced bittersweet moments,moments you want to smile, but unfortunately accompanied with a tear in your eye.
This week saw the VTU sports meet.We took part in the cross-country run(6kms-girls,12kms-boys) at shravanabelagola.With a week's of reasonable amount of practice,we were all set to RUN!!.The route was excellent,I personally loved it,\perfect combination of ups and Downs,tar roads ,mud roads,all included to avoid any monotony.
It was finally race day.4:30 am, amidst the fog:):)..perfect start to a long,happy run:).I was pleased with my performance..74 girls,I came in at 14th place,finished the 6kms in 28:03 minutes :).AS a team, we secured really good places.
Congrats girls!!!..We did it:)
WINNERS-"Cross-country race"-2009-2010---BMSCE girls :)
The guys team did excellent.4th position overall:)..with wonderful timings,all nine of them finished 12kms in less than 60 minutes!!! :) congrats guys!!
Not everyone shared this happiness.The person i expected the most happiness from didn't show it.
Happiness is not an individual feeling.A child will always run home to show his parents his first 100.I would always want to share my happiness with my loved ones.It's not called happiness,until it's mutual.It's not called happiness,if it's not shared.Bringing a smile on someone Else's face..that's happiness....
So at the end of all this,I wasn't even happy.My happiness wasn't shared with the person i wanted to share it with the most,in fact,the only person i wanted to share it with.
It was bittersweet,sweet:WE WON!!!..bitter:I wasn't happy at the end of it.
I console myself by assuming that not everyone has the same definition of happiness as I.....