Thursday, January 14, 2010


She was tired.Tired from not doing anything.Tired staring fixedly at her cellphone,waiting for a message.Why aren't any of my friends free today!! It frustrated her. It was partly her mistake .she made excuses of having to study,or of her bad moods,of her painful stomach.She realized it was herself,she was frustrated with.
Her digital watch beeped.It was 6 'o clock .Her boredom reached the 5 hour mark.She pulled on a jacket and grabbed some money.She knew just what she wanted to do,she had been wanting to do it since a week.Bubbles!:)She shook her boredom off and began to walk to food street.It's always a carnival here, balloons sellers,delicious food,and finally the person selling the soap mixture that produces bubbles:)
Happy with her little purchase,she set off to the huge water tank.she hurriedly climbed the winding staircase.She loved the peace and the view of the city from up here.Blowing bubbles into the vast skies,she felt her little frustrations depart slowly.The lines on her forehead reduced.She was beginning to feel happy.FINALLY!